Dangerous Dogstone

‘Dogstone’ that must have been dangerous to build (if built it was) surprisingly discovered on my walk along the seashore this morning.


More photos of it in comments to this post.


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12 responses to “Dangerous Dogstone

  1. That Dogstone does look as if it’s been built rather than come about naturally. I’ve been trying to find a photo of a rocky Cornish cousin that’s always bewildered me, but instead I’ll have to make do with this one: http://www.oliverscornwall.co.uk/stoweshillcheesewring.jpg

    Don’t know if this image link will work!

  2. No it didn’t. And definitely less bewildering than yours or the one I was looking for, too. 🙂

  3. An interesting serendipitous image that Tony Lovell had already encountered previous to my photos above: http://www.knibbworld.com/campbell-cgi/discus/show.cgi?tpc=1&post=97065#POST97065

  4. Another ‘dogstone’ found today!


  5. Sam

    Why ‘dogstone’?

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